The second painting exhibition’s vernissage, entitled „Correspondances II”, took place on November 24, 2023, at the „Mr. Gh. Pastia” Theater in Focşani, as part of several events which marked the 110 years anniversary of this institution. 17 paintings were exhibited in the 1st floor foyer of the Theater for one month, which embody the last year’s themes : fairy tales, novels, fantasy novels, legends, scenes of quotidian, religious and philosophical universe.


The debut in painting took place on July 24, 2022, at the Green Park Hotel in Focşani, with a 23 paintings series in mixt techniques, centered on 4 themes:
  • The literary universe, which contains4 categories: fairy tales, stories/cosmic themes, legends, theater pieces/novels/ballades
  • The philosophical universe
  • The daily life universe
  • The religious universe