„Les créations d’Alexandra Cherciu transcendent les limites de l’imaginaire, mêlant habilement les couleurs vives de l’acrylique et la profondeur envoûtante du fusain pour créer des œuvres qui éclatent de vie et d’émotion. Son travail semble être le résultat d’une exploration audacieuse et imaginative, avec une capacité à repousser les limites de l’art traditionnel.”

FandArt Galerie  – Marseille (2024)

 „Etonnant, j’ai d’abord l’impression de voir de vieilles toiles et puis finalement en regardant plus attentivement je trouve plein de qualités. La texture, vous maîtrisez bien les sensations toutes charnelles prodiguées par toute rencontre picturale. Vous créez des gouffres comme des abîmes dans la toile, qui laisse l’esprit songeur.”

Galerie Kokanas – Marseille (2024)

„Alexandra Cherciu’s paintings struck the viewer with their vibrant and dreamlike quality, reminiscent of the great Marc Chagall. The artist’s use of bold colors and whimsical imagery immediately draws the viewer into a world of imagination and emotion. The artist demonstrates a commendable mastery of technique, particularly in her adept handling of colors, shapes, texture and size. The colors are rich and saturated, creating a sense of energy and vitality within each piece. The artist employs a diverse range of shapes, often with fluid and organic forms. The choice of size varies across Alexandra Cherciu’s portfolio, with some pieces featuring intimate, smaller-scale compositions, while others command attention with larger dimensions. Alexandra Cherciu exhibit a strong ability to create imaginative and compelling compositions that draw the viewer into a whimsical world of fantasy and wonder. Her compositions are often layered with symbolism and narrative, inviting viewers to explore deeper meanings within the artwork. Le Vieil Homme et la Mer II is a standout piece of artwork in Alexandra’s portfolio. The artwork is rich in symbolism and depth, offering layers of meaning to explore. The old man’s linear face and weary posture convey a sense of perseverance and determination, while the vast expanse of the sea symbolizes both challenge and opportunity. Alexandra Cherciu explore universal themes that resonate across time and culture, such as stories, dreams and spirituality. The artworks are relevant today by tapping into the shared human experience and offering viewers a sense of connection and reflection.”

Art Studio Amsterdam (2024)